i dont understand US politics.
(Does anybody ?)
i was reading through this site the other day and came across several posts by different posters lamenting this site, saying what a shame it has gone from debating jw believers to talking politics and current affairs.. there are a few issues i have with these kind of posts.. first, discussing politics is actually a good thing.
well, in case you haven't noticed, we in the west are going through a culture war.
certain groups of far-leftists are trying - and sometimes succeeding - to shut down free discussion.
i dont understand US politics.
(Does anybody ?)
a month ago it might have been questionable.
not now.
after bader’s death and biden’s inability, this shouldn’t be close.
Interesting to see how many who do NOT live in the United States has so much to say about American politics. And these are usually people with universal health care.
i live in the UK--and have no interest in our politics--and dont bother to vote. i have even less interest in US politics--to the point that i dont know which party is what--and never comment on here about your politics. just--boring... i wish the site would ban all political arguments. but then there would be very little content left.
hi friends, feel free to correct me where i`m wrong with this post.after all it`s just my observation of jw`s and the bible.. in the beginning of gods dealings with adam it was on a personal level , god to man so to speak.. god then dealt with humans via the patriarchs , then with the levi priesthood ,then judges ,( and a woman was a judge ) then kings ,somewhere in between all of this prophets played a major part ,and then came jesus christ the messiah.. and to my knowledge god has not validated a successor to him with any evidence i`ve seen .. jehovah`s witnesses claim to be christians but have with no new testament backing usurped jesus with jehovah.. this period of time ,until god says otherwise ,christians are to give honour and glory to none other than jesus christ .. that is the name that is above any other name until god says otherwise.
phil.2:9-11. not the name jehovah .the bible never says anything about a kingdom of jehovah ,the coming kingdom is the kingdom of jesus christ with his associate 144,000 earthly subjects.. this is just my understanding of what the bible actually says .. whether i believe it or not is another matter..
what was jesus' real name ?
so get this, wt has something they're calling a "jw box" that gives people in africa "spiritual food".
the best part, they want donations of $75 for it!
so they don't provide any physical food to people in africa but they can send them "spiritual food" for $75.
The African JWs are complaining that they can't access spiritual food and have family worship, etc., because they can't watch the videos. Um...didn't JWs manage just fine for, oh, I don't know--that last CENTURY without videos?
isnt this the result of the watchtower pulling the plug on the missionary "work"
so get this, wt has something they're calling a "jw box" that gives people in africa "spiritual food".
the best part, they want donations of $75 for it!
so they don't provide any physical food to people in africa but they can send them "spiritual food" for $75.
err--wont the users need electricity ?...and be on the internet ?
i see no more preaching.
no more door knocking.
no more car groups.
you'll most likely find jehovah has told the GB to give the dubs a bit of a holiday.
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
and to think we used to believe this twaddle.
one of the benefits of justification is eternal life for believers.
i found an interesting passage from the wt, june 15, 1974 which reads:.
"it is to the spirit anointed christians who will rule in that kingdom that most of the christian-greek scriptures is directed, including the promise of everlasting life.
expect a lot more dub nutters to start munchin the biscuits next year.
ughhhhh wife wants to pioneer.
our future together doesn't look promising .
i told her she doesn’t know what she is getting into.
What do pioneers do if there no house to house? Sit and write moronic letters that likely will never be read or dial phone numbers and leave stupid messages that will be deleted? And I gather the hourly requirement is significantly less than the olden days 100 a month.....plus 100 mags placed...7 progressive studies.....forgot the number of return visits demanded.... Whats the point?
she will soon get fed up with the cart "work" too--standing around for hours being ignored by the passers-by.
just let her get on with it,..and talk to your lawyer.
some believe protesters have the “right” to block main roads, traffic and other places simply because they have a right to protest something.. in la, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would die!
in nyc blm protesters blocked the george washington bridge and other major highways and streets to protest for their cause.. do you think this is acceptable?
so--what do this BLM lot want ?